
Showing posts from April, 2020

Taxanomical Hierarchy in Biological Classification

Good afternoon dear students. Mark your attendance first. Today we will achieve the following Learning Outcomes:- Students will be able to :- 1. Categories & explain various Taxanomical Hierarchy which are involved in Classification. 2. Define Taxanomy & Systematics. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS :- 1. Write your notes in your register. 2. There are 2 YouTube video links sent along with this blog. You may Watch the video before before reading the blog. 3. On 2nd May, Saturday, I will invite you all for a google meet at around 11:45 am. The link for that shall be shared later by Friday evening. 4. You will have an online MCQ Test from the full chapter " Cell : The Unit of Life ". The Test link will be shared online on your watsapp group just 5 mins before the Commencement of TEST. You will get exactly half an hour to complete the Test & submit your responses. After this the Test will stop accepting responses. 5. Ask your doubts if any on the wat

CHAPTER 1: The Living World

Good morning boys. Mark your Attendance first. Today we will achieve the following Learning outcomes :- Students will be able to - 1. Distinguish b/w Living & Non Living characters that help in Classification System. 2. Define Classification & Nomenclature. 3. State & Explain "  Binomial Nomenclature System of Classification. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS :- 1. There are 2 YouTube video links shared with this Blog. Kindly watch the video links first & then  go through your notes. 2. Write your notes in your register. 3. Prepare for Online Test on Saturday 2nd May  in one of the Biology periods from Chapter 8 : Cell - The Unit of Life. 4. Read NCERT online for today' topic taught. 5. Ask your doubts, even if it's from previous chapter. So Let's BEGIN We all know what are the basic characters we need to keep in mind in order to classify anything LIVING. Just for your Reference I will introduce MRS GREN. She will help you to re

Chromosome & it's Types

Good Afternoon dear students. Mark your Attendance first. Today we will achieve the following Learning Outcomes :- Students will be able to - 1. Analyse & Explain the structure & functions of Chromosome. 2. Describe each parts of Chromosome. 3. Classify Chromosome based on : a. Position of Centromere. b. No. Of Centromere. c. Shape as seen at ANAPHASE. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS :- 1. There are two YouTube video links sent along with the blog link, watch the first video before reading the blog. The second video you can watch at the end, so concepts gets clearer. 2. You write down the notes & labelled diagrams in your register. 3. I will be available on watsapp group or Blog to clear your doubts. 4. Complete the Homework task given at the end. 5. Since this is the Last topic of our Chapter. I will take a class test on 2nd May 2020 , from the whole chapter. LET'S BEGIN First WATCH the YouTube video link " Nucleus & Chromosome ".


Good morning dear students. Mark your Attendance first. Today we will achieve the following Learning outcomes:- Students will be able to - 1. Analyse the structure, composition & functions of Nucleus & it's components. 2. Differentiate between Heterochromatin & Euchromatin. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS :- 1. There is only one YouTube video link today with this blog. Watch it before reading your notes. 2. Write your notes along with labelled diagrams in your Register. 3.Read your NCERT online for the topic covered today. 4. Ask your doubts in Watsapp group / in blog itself. LET'S BEGIN Nucleus as we know is also known as Brain of a Cell. First we will discuss about it's structure & it's components.  Now we will discuss about the Nucleus found in PLANT CELL All this can be asked for NEET Exams / one marker questions in CBSE.  Important question :- Differentiate between Heteroch